Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Queen #3

I opened up the second split to check the feeding jar and found it to be empty. I pulled it out and decided to look into the second box to see if the new queen that I think is in there has started laying. I found eggs, larvae and capped brood, but I started to worry that I was looking at the frame I put in there last week so I kept looking. I found the new queen! I think she is laying and the bees have been busy filling frames with nectar so I decided to add in the last 3 frames of foundation in the second box and put the feeding jar in an empty third box. I have finished off the last of the honey extracted from the dead-out while refilling the feeding jar so they are now getting 1:1 syrup. I will probably keep feeding this hive until they stop taking syrup. I want them to build into 3 boxes before the fall.

The first split has 3 boxes now, and I'll check it to see how they are doing with honey and pollen at the end of the week.

The main hive has 4 boxes so I will hopefully be able to harvest a box of frames for our use. I will check that hive at the end of the week. If they are still building queen cells and have enough brood frames I may start a nuc for overwintering. It would be great to have 3 hives and a nuc going into the winter.

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